/* display.c */ #include #include #include #include #include "creddy_common.h" extern char *abac_attribute_role_string(abac_attribute_t *attr); extern abac_chunk_t abac_attribute_cert(abac_attribute_t *ptr); // helper void _print_validity(struct tm not_before, struct tm not_after); void _print_info(abac_attribute_t *attr, int show_issuer, int show_subject, int show_validity, int show_roles, char*); void display_main(options_t *opts) { if (opts->cert == NULL) usage(opts); char *show = opts->show; if (show == NULL) usage(opts); int show_issuer = 0; int show_subject = 0; int show_validity = 0; int show_roles = 0; char *opt; while ((opt = strsep(&show, ",")) != NULL) { if (strcmp(opt, "issuer") == 0) show_issuer = 1; else if (strcmp(opt, "subject") == 0) show_subject = 1; else if (strcmp(opt, "validity") == 0) show_validity = 1; else if (strcmp(opt, "roles") == 0) show_roles = 1; else if (strcmp(opt, "all") == 0) { show_issuer = 1; show_subject = 1; show_validity = 1; show_roles = 1; } else { printf("Error: Unknown option to --show: %s\n", opt); usage(opts); } } // first try ID cert abac_id_t *id = abac_id_from_file(opts->cert); if (id != NULL) { if (show_issuer) { char *issuer = abac_id_issuer(id); printf("Issuer: %s\n", issuer); free(issuer); } if (show_subject) { char *subject = abac_id_subject(id); printf("Subject: %s\n", subject); free(subject); } if (show_validity) { struct tm not_before, not_after; abac_id_validity(id, ¬_before, ¬_after); _print_validity(not_before, not_after); } abac_id_free(id); return; } // then try attribute cert abac_attribute_t *attr; abac_list_t *attr_list = abac_attribute_certs_from_file(opts->cert); int sz=abac_list_size(attr_list); abac_list_foreach(attr_list, attr, _print_info(attr,show_issuer,show_subject,show_validity,show_roles, opts->cert); abac_attribute_free(attr); ); abac_list_free(attr_list); // give up if neither works if(sz==0) errx(1, "Couldn't load %s as an ID or attribute, ", opts->cert); } void _print_info(abac_attribute_t *attr, int show_issuer, int show_subject, int show_validity, int show_roles, char *fname) { if (attr != NULL) { abac_id_t *issuer_id=abac_attribute_issuer_id(attr); if (show_issuer && issuer_id) { char *issuer = abac_id_issuer(issuer_id); printf("Issuer: %s\n", issuer); free(issuer); } if (show_subject && issuer_id) { char *subject = abac_id_subject(issuer_id); printf("Subject: %s\n", subject); free(subject); } if (show_validity) { struct tm not_before, not_after; abac_attribute_validity(attr, ¬_before, ¬_after); _print_validity(not_before, not_after); } if (show_roles) { char *role_string = abac_attribute_role_string(attr); if (role_string == NULL) errx(1, "Couldn't get attributes from %s", fname ); printf("Roles: %s\n", role_string); free(role_string); } } } // display the validity period of a cert void _print_validity(struct tm not_before, struct tm not_after) { char buf[256]; printf("Validity:\n"); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%F %T %Z", ¬_before); printf(" Not before: %s [%lld]\n", buf, (long long) mktime(¬_before)); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%F %T %Z", ¬_after); printf(" Not after: %s [%lld]\n", buf, (long long) mktime(¬_after)); }