/*** extract_doc.c, This program extract API doc file from libabac/abac.hh This program assume abac.hh is local or linked locally ***/ #include #include #include char *sstr="/***"; char *estr="***/"; char *prestr="/***PRE"; char *poststr="/***POST"; void extract_p(FILE *in, FILE* out, char *match) { rewind(in); int yes=0; char *line=NULL; size_t num=0; int n=strlen(match); int nn=strlen(estr); while(getline(&line,&num,in) != -1) { if(!yes) { if(strncmp(match,line,n)==0) { yes=1; free(line); line=NULL; continue; } else { free(line); line=NULL; } }else { if(strncmp(estr,line, nn)==0) { yes=0; free(line); line=NULL; break; } else { fprintf(out,"%s",line); free(line); line=NULL; } } } } void extract(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE *cout) { int yes=0; char *line=NULL; size_t num=0; int n=strlen(sstr); int nn=strlen(estr); while(getline(&line,&num,in) != -1) { if(!yes) { if(strncmp(sstr,line, n)==0) { yes=1; free(line); line=NULL; continue; } else { fprintf(cout,"%s",line); free(line); line=NULL; } }else { if(strncmp(estr,line, nn)==0) { yes=0; free(line); line=NULL; continue; } else { if(line[0]=='f') { line[0]=' '; fprintf(out,"\n"); } if(line[0]=='A') fprintf(out,"\n"); fprintf(out,"%s",line); free(line); line=NULL; } } } } int main() { char *selfname="extract_doc.c"; char *filename="abac.hh"; char *docname="API"; char *codename="ABAC_HH"; FILE *dfp=fopen(selfname,"r"); FILE *fp=fopen(filename,"r"); FILE *ofp=fopen(docname,"w"); FILE *cfp=fopen(codename,"w"); if(fp && dfp && ofp && cfp ) { extract_p(dfp,ofp,prestr); extract(fp,ofp,cfp); extract_p(dfp,ofp,poststr); fclose(fp); fclose(dfp); fclose(ofp); fclose(cfp); } return 0; } /***PRE C++ API (see bottom for notes on C, Perl, Python and Java) ABAC::abac_chunk_t Structure, represents a blob of memory used to load/return DER-encoded X509 certificates -unsigned char *data -int len ***/ /***POST C API The C API is nearly identical to the C++ API. Due to lack of namespaces, all function names are preceeded by abac_. Furthermore, the parameter representing the object must be passed explicitly. Each of the C++ calls are appended with a matching C routine call. The C function declaration can be found in abac.h Examples: C++: head.role_name() C: abac_role_name(head) or C++: ctxt.load_attribute_file("test_attr.der") C: abac_context_load_attribute_file(ctx, "test_attr.der") Instead of copy constructors, the C API uses _dup. Therefore, to copy a role use abac_aspect_dup(m_role), to copy a oset use abac_aspect_dup(m_oset), to copy a context use abac_context_dup(m_ctx), to copy a constraint use abac_condition_dup(m_constraint), to copy a data term use abac_term_dup(m_term), to copy a ID use abac_id_dup(m_id) and to copy an attribute use abac_attribute_dup(m_attr) Various flavors of abac_context_query() and abac_context_credentials() return NULL-terminated arrays of Attribute objects (abac_credential_t * in C). abac_context_principals() returns NULL-terminated array of ID objects (abac_id_credential_t * in C) When you are done with them, you must free the whole array at once using abac_context_credentials_free() and abac_context_principals_free() respectively. PERL, PYTHON AND JAVA API The Perl, Python and Java APIs are even more similar to the C++ API. The main changes are the use of native types instead of C/C++ types. - native strings instead of char * Java: - String instead of char * - Context::query returns a vector of Credentials: credentials = ctx.query(role, principal) success if credentials' size is > 0 Perl: - arrayref instead of vector - string instead of chunk_t - Context::query returns a list of two elements: my ($success, $credentials) = $ctx->query($role, $principal) $success is a boolean $credentials is an arrayref of Credential objects Python: - tuple instead of vector - bytearray instead of chunk_t (>= 2.6) - string instead of chunk_t (< 2.6) - Context::query returns a tuple with two elements: (success, credentials) = ctx.query(role, principal) success is a boolean credentials is a tuple of Credential objects ***/