#!/usr/bin/env python """ abac_prover.py To demonstrate how to use ABAC's api in python to make a query call: abac_prover "keystorestring" "rolestring" "principalstring" pre-condition: run make attr_abac generate IceCream_ID.pem and IceCream_private.pem with This program will make a prover call using rolestring <- principalstring """ import getopt import sys from ABAC import Context def usage(): print "Usage: abac_prover.py \\" print " --keystore \\" print " --role --principal " print " loads the keystore and runs the query role <-?- principal" sys.exit(1) keystore = '' role = '' principal = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['keystore=', 'role=', 'principal=']) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) sys.exit(1) for o, a in opts: if o == '--keystore': keystore = a elif o == '--role': role = a elif o == '--principal': principal = a else: assert False, "WAT" if keystore == '' or role == '' or principal == '': usage() # code begins here! sorry about that print keystore print role print principal ctx = Context() ctx.load_directory(keystore) (success, credentials) = ctx.query(role, principal) if success: print "success" for credential in credentials: print "credential %s <- %s" % (credential.head().string(), credential.tail().string())