#!/usr/bin/env python """ to test when an id gets loaded into the session vs when it gets loaded into a context cmd:env keystore=`pwd` ./id_ctxt.py """ import os import ABAC def pSZ(CTXT,msg): psz= CTXT.principal_count() csz= CTXT.credential_count() print "context [%s] %d principals, %d credentials" % (msg,psz,csz) ctxtA = ABAC.Context() ctxtB = ABAC.Context() ABAC.dump_debug_info("first") pSZ(ctxtA, "A") pSZ(ctxtB, "B") ## creating and writing out using libabac ID id=ABAC.ID("Ella", 0) print "adding -> %s(good) to session" % id.id_name() id.id_write_cert("Ella_ID.pem") id.id_write_privkey("Ella_private.pem") ABAC.dump_debug_info("second") pSZ(ctxtA, "A") pSZ(ctxtB, "B") ## load principal with id/key file pair ## note, with this, we do not have handle on the keyid ## to Ella but it will be in the db print "loading -> %s to ctxtA" % id.id_name() ctxtA.load_id_files("Ella_ID.pem","Ella_private.pem") print "loading -> Bob to ctxtB" ctxtB.load_id_files("Bob_ID.pem","Bob_private.pem") ABAC.dump_debug_info("third") pSZ(ctxtA, "A") pSZ(ctxtB, "B")