package net.deterlab.abac; import*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** * A class for parsing and generating Credentials inside a Context. All * credential parsing should use a credential factory inside a context uses a * CredentialFactory. * @author ISI ABAC team * @version 1.4 */ public class CredentialFactory implements Cloneable { protected List spec; /** * The xmlparsing routines helpfully close input streams when they * successfully parse a document from one. It's possible for a correctly * parsed XML document to need to be reparsed by later specialization, for * example because the XML was fine, but it was the wrong type of * credential. This makes the close operation a NOOP. */ static protected class UnclosableBufferedInputStream extends BufferedInputStream { public UnclosableBufferedInputStream(InputStream is) { super(is); } public UnclosableBufferedInputStream(InputStream is, int s) { super(is, s); } public void close() throws IOException { } }; /** The classes understood by the default CredentialFactory (in order) */ static public String[] defNames = new String[] { "net.deterlab.abac.GENICredential", "net.deterlab.abac.X509Credential", "net.deterlab.abac.GENIPrivCredential", }; /** Maximum credential size that can be rewound for reparsing */ public static final int maxSize = 50 * 1024; /** * Create a Credential Factory that parses the default type(s) * @throws ABACException if the object cannot be created */ public CredentialFactory() throws ABACException { spec = new ArrayList(); for ( String name: defNames) registerClass(name); } /** * Create a Credential Factory that parses the given type(s). Each String * should be the binary name for a class that exports a static * getCredentialParser method that returns a CredentialParser for the * class. * @param names a Collection of Strings naming the classes to parse * @throws ABACException if the object cannot be created */ public CredentialFactory(Collection names) throws ABACException { spec = new ArrayList(); for (String n : names ) registerClass(n); } /** * Create a Credential Factory that parses the given type(s). Each String * should be the binary name for a class that exports a static * getCredentialParser method that returns a CredentialParser for the * class. * @param names an Array of Strings naming the classes to parse * @throws ABACException if the object cannot be created */ public CredentialFactory(String[] names) throws ABACException { spec = new ArrayList(); for (String n : names ) registerClass(n); } /** * Create a Credential Factory that is a clone of the given * CredentialFactory. * @param cf the CredentialFactory to copy * @throws ABACException if the object cannot be created */ public CredentialFactory(CredentialFactory cf) throws ABACException { this(); spec = new ArrayList(); for ( int i = 0; i < spec.size(); i++) spec.add(cf.spec.get(i)); } /** * Make a copy of this CredentialFactory * @return a CredentialFactory, a copy of this one */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { CredentialFactory cf = null; try { cf = new CredentialFactory(this); } catch (ABACException ae) { return null; } return cf; } /** * Parse an input stream using each possible credential format and the * available identities for validation. Return the credentials found or * throw an ABACException with the problem. It wraps the input stream in a * BufferedInputStream in order to retry is a parser fails. Credentials * larger than maxSize will nor be able to be reparsed. * @param is an InputStream to parse * @param ids a Collection of Identities for validation * @return an Array of Credentials parsed * @throws CertInvalidException if the stream is unparsable * @throws MissingIssuerException if none of the Identities can validate the * @throws BadSignatureException if the signature check fails */ public Credential[] parseCredential(InputStream is, Collection ids) throws ABACException { Credential[] rv = null; ABACException err = null; UnclosableBufferedInputStream bs = new UnclosableBufferedInputStream(is, maxSize); bs.mark(maxSize); for (CredentialFactorySpecialization c : spec ) { try { rv = c.parseCredential(bs, ids); break; } catch (ABACException e ) { err = e; rv = null; } try { if (spec.size() > 1) bs.reset(); } catch (IOException ie) { break; } } if ( rv != null ) return rv; else throw (err != null) ? err : new ABACException("null exception and failed construction??"); } /** * Parse a File using each possible credential format and the * available identities for validation. Return the credentials found or * throw an ABACException with the problem. Calls the InputStream version * internally. * @param f a File to parse * @param ids a Collection of Identities for validation * @return an Array of Credentials parsed * @throws CertInvalidException if the stream is unparsable * @throws MissingIssuerException if none of the Identities can validate the * @throws BadSignatureException if the signature check fails */ public Credential[] parseCredential(File f, Collection ids) throws ABACException { try { return parseCredential(new FileInputStream(f), ids); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new CertInvalidException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Parse a file named fn using each possible credential format and the * available identities for validation. Return the credentials found or * throw an ABACException with the problem. Calls the InputStream version * internally. * @param fn a String holding the filename to parse * @param ids a Collection of Identities for validation * @return an Array of Credentials parsed * @throws CertInvalidException if the stream is unparsable * @throws MissingIssuerException if none of the Identities can validate the * @throws BadSignatureException if the signature check fails */ public Credential[] parseCredential(String fn, Collection ids) throws ABACException { return parseCredential(new File(fn), ids); } /** * Return a credential from the first class registered in * the factory. * @param head a Role, the head of the encoded ABAC statement * @param tail a Role, the tail of the decoded ABAC statement * @return a Credential encoding that ABAC statement */ public Credential generateCredential(Role head, Role tail) { if (spec.isEmpty()) return null; return spec.get(0).generateCredential(head, tail); } /** * Add the named class to the list of usable specializations. The class * passed in must have a static getCredentialFactorySpecialization() method * that returns a CredentialFactorySpecialization to use. * @param name a String containing the binary name of the class to register * @throws ABACException if there is a problem. The cause field of this * exception is set to the classloading exception, if any. */ public void registerClass(String name) throws ABACException { CredentialFactorySpecialization cs = null; try { /* doesn't guarantee much, but shuts the compiler up */ Class c = Class.forName(name); Method m = c.getMethod("getCredentialFactorySpecialization"); cs = (CredentialFactorySpecialization) m.invoke(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ABACException("Could not register credential type" + e.getMessage(), e); } spec.add(cs); } }