package net.deterlab.abac; import*; import java.math.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import*; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import javax.xml.transform.dom.*; import*; import javax.xml.crypto.*; import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.*; import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.*; import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.*; import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.*; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.*; import org.bouncycastle.x509.*; import org.bouncycastle.x509.util.*; import org.bouncycastle.openssl.*; /** * An ABAC credential formatted as an abac-type GENI credential. * @author ISI ABAC team * @version 1.4 */ public class GENIPrivCredential extends GENICredential { /** * Create an empty Credential. */ public GENIPrivCredential() { super(); doc = null; } /** * Create a credential from a head and tail role. This credential has no * underlying certificate, and cannot be exported or used in real proofs. * make_cert can create a certificate for a credential initialized this * way. * @param head the Role at the head of the credential * @param tail the Role at the tail of the credential */ public GENIPrivCredential(Role head, Role tail, Document d, Identity i, Date e) { m_head = head; m_tail = tail; doc = null; id = null; m_expiration = e; } /** * Create a certificate from this credential issued by the given identity * valid for the given period; these credentials cannot be turned into * certificates, so this will always throw an exception. * @param i the Identity that will issue the certificate * @param validity a long holding the number of seconds that the credential * is valid for. * @throws ABACException if xml creation fails * @throws MissingIssuerException if the issuer is bad * @throws BadSignatureException if the signature creation fails */ public void make_cert(Identity i, long validity) throws ABACException { throw new ABACException("Cannot generate a GENIPrivCredential"); } /** * Create a certificate from this credential issued by the given identity; * these credentials cannot be turned into certificates, so this will * always throw an exception. * @param i the Identity that will issue the certificate * @throws ABACException if xml creation fails * @throws MissingIssuerException if the issuer is bad * @throws BadSignatureException if the signature creation fails */ public void make_cert(Identity i) throws ABACException { throw new ABACException("Cannot generate a GENIPrivCredential"); } /** * Class that parses a GENI privilege credential into multiple * GENIPrivCredential objects. */ static class GENIPrivSpecialization extends CredentialFactorySpecialization { /** * Extract an identity from a field holding a PEM-encoded x.509 * certificate (for example, owner_gid). * @param n a Node that has the certificate in its Text Content * @return the Identity */ protected Identity nodeToIdentity(Node n) { String certStr = null; if ( ( certStr = n.getTextContent()) == null ) return null; try { certStr = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" + certStr + "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; return new Identity(new StringReader(certStr)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Parses the credential into multiple Objects based on the permissions * imbued by the credential. * @param d a Document, the parsed credential * @param issuer an Identity that signed the credential * @return an array of GENIPrivCredentials that represent the * credential */ protected Credential[] make_creds(Document d, Identity issuer) throws ABACException { Node root = null; Node credential = null; Node owner_gid = null; Node target_gid = null; Node privileges = null; Node priv = null; Identity owner = null; Identity target = null; ArrayList rv = new ArrayList(); if ( (root = getChildByName(d, "signed-credential")) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("No signed-credential element"); if ( (credential = getChildByName(root, "credential")) == null ) throw new CertInvalidException("No credential element"); if ( (owner_gid = getChildByName(credential, "owner_gid")) == null ) throw new CertInvalidException("No owner_gid element"); if ((target_gid = getChildByName(credential,"target_gid")) == null ) throw new CertInvalidException("No target_gid element"); if ((privileges = getChildByName(credential,"privileges")) == null ) throw new CertInvalidException("No privileges element"); Date exp = getTime(d, "expires"); if ( exp.before(new Date())) throw new CertInvalidException("Certificate Expired " + exp); if ( (owner = nodeToIdentity(owner_gid)) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("Bad owner_gid element"); if ( (target = nodeToIdentity(target_gid)) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("Bad target_gid element"); for (Node n = privileges.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { /* Ignore non-elements and non-privilege elements */ if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !"privilege".equals(n.getNodeName())) continue; Node name = null; Node can_delegate = null; boolean cd = false; String cds = null; String pname = null; if ( (name = getChildByName(n, "name")) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("No privilege name"); if ((can_delegate = getChildByName(n, "can_delegate")) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("No privilege delegate"); if ( (pname = name.getTextContent()) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("No privilege name text"); if ((cds = can_delegate.getTextContent()) == null) throw new CertInvalidException("No delegate text"); cd = cds.equals("1") || cds.equals("true"); /* First privilege includes the basic speaks for defintion * for this owner */ if ( rv.isEmpty() ) { rv.add(new GENIPrivCredential( new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + ".speaks_for_" + owner.getKeyID()), new Role(owner.getKeyID()), d, issuer, exp)); rv.add(new GENIPrivCredential( new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + ".speaks_for_" + owner.getKeyID()), new Role(owner.getKeyID() + ".speaks_for_" + owner.getKeyID()), d, issuer, exp)); } /* The privilege itself */ rv.add(new GENIPrivCredential( new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + "." + pname + "_" + target.getKeyID()), new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + ".speaks_for_" + owner.getKeyID()), d, issuer, exp)); if (cd ) { /* The rules for delegation, if necessary */ rv.add(new GENIPrivCredential( new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + "." + pname + "_" + target.getKeyID()), new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + ".can_delegate_" + pname + "_" + target.getKeyID() + "." + pname + "_" + target.getKeyID()), d, issuer, exp)); rv.add(new GENIPrivCredential( new Role(issuer.getKeyID() + ".can_delegate_" + pname), new Role(owner.getKeyID()), d, issuer, exp)); } } return rv.toArray(new Credential[rv.size()]); } /** * Parse the credential into multiple GENIPrivCredentials that encode * its semantics. * @param is an InputStream containing the credentals * @param ids a Collection of Identities to use in validation * @return an array of GENIPrivCredentials that represent the * credential * @throws CertInvalidException if the stream is unparsable * @throws MissingIssuerException if none of the Identities can * validate the certificate * @throws BadSignatureException if the signature check fails */ public Credential[] parseCredential(InputStream is, Collection ids) throws ABACException { try { Document d = read_certificate(is); XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM"); NodeList nl = d.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLSignature.XMLNS, "Signature"); DOMValidateContext valContext = null; XMLSignature signature = null; Identity lid = null; if (nl.getLength() == 0) throw new CertInvalidException( "Cannot find Signature element"); setIDAttrs(d); valContext = new DOMValidateContext(new X509KeySelector(), nl.item(0)); if ( valContext == null ) throw new ABACException("No validation context!?"); signature = fac.unmarshalXMLSignature(valContext); if (signature == null) throw new BadSignatureException( "Cannot unmarshal signature"); if (!signature.validate(valContext)) throw new BadSignatureException("bad signature"); lid = getIdentity(nl.item(0)); if ( !ids.contains(lid) ) ids.add(lid); return make_creds(d, lid); } catch (ABACException ae) { throw ae; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSignatureException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * One cannot create a GENIPrivCredential to encodes a single arbitrary * head and tail, so this always fails. * @param head a Role to encode * @param tail a Role to encode */ public Credential generateCredential(Role head, Role tail) { return null; } }; /** * Return a CredentialCredentialFactorySpecialization for * GENIPrivCredentials. Used by the CredentialFactory to parse these kind * of credentials. * @return a CredentialFactorySpecialization for this kind of credential. */ static public CredentialFactorySpecialization getCredentialFactorySpecialization() { return new GENIPrivSpecialization(); } }