package net.deterlab.abac; import org.apache.commons.collections15.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.*; import java.util.*; /** * A class for making queries against the graph. It supports direct queries as * well as reachability in either direction. See the run method for details. * @author ISI ABAC team * @version 1.5 */ class Query { /** Internal graph representation */ private Graph g; /** Count of vertices in the most recent calculate path */ private boolean valid; /** * Create a query to be run against the credential graph. * @param g a Graph represneting the credentials and implicit connections. */ public Query(Graph g) { this.g = g; valid = false; } /** * Run a query against the graph, returning a graph of the results. If the * results are empty or the query fails, an empty graph is returned. When * derived edges are involved, the subgraphs that imply those edges are * included. * @param attr a String containing the role to look for * @param prin a String containing the principal * @return a Graph with the proof or partial proof. */ public Graph run(String attr, String prin) { Role attribute = (!attr.isEmpty()) ? new Role(attr) : null; Role principal = (!prin.isEmpty()) ? new Role(prin) : null; Graph ret = Graphs.synchronizedDirectedGraph( new DirectedSparseGraph()); ArrayList > subs = new ArrayList >(); Set hasAttr = null; // System.out.println("In run " + attr + " " + prin); if (attribute == null && principal == null ) { valid = false; return ret; } else if (principal != null ) { /* This branch happens if attribute is null or not, and either is * fine for the bfs routine. */ valid = bfs(principal, attribute, ret, new forwardSearch()); } else { /* attribute is != null here */ valid = bfs(attribute, principal, ret, new reverseSearch()); } if ( principal == null ) hasAttr = find_principals(attribute); else { hasAttr =new HashSet(); hasAttr.add(principal); } /* Now ret contains the primary path of the proof, for each linking * role or intersection on that path, we construct a Query object to * make that subproof. */ for (Credential c: ret.getEdges() ) { Role head = c.head(); Role tail = c.tail(); if ( head.is_linking()) { Query subq = new Query(g); subs.add(, tail.principal())); if ( !subq.successful()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot prove sub-proof: " + head.linked_role() + " <- " + tail.principal() + " something is very wrong!"); } else if ( head.is_intersection() ) { try { for (Role r: head.prereqs()) { for (Role p : hasAttr) { Query subq = new Query(g); subs.add(, p.toString())); if ( !subq.successful()) throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot prove sub-proof: " + r.toString() + " <- " + p + " something is very wrong!"); } } } catch (ABACException ignored) { } } } /* Now subs has all the subsidiary proofs in it, merge 'em */ for (Graph sg: subs) { for (Role r: sg.getVertices()) if (!ret.containsVertex(r)) ret.addVertex(r); for (Credential c: sg.getEdges() ) if ( !ret.containsEdge(c)) ret.addEdge(c, c.head(), c.tail()); } return ret; } /** * Returns true after running a query that returns a non-empty set of * vertices. * @return a boolean, true after running a query that returns a non-empty * set of vertices. */ public boolean successful() { return valid; } /** * Returns a collection of principals reachable from a Role when * traversing edges in the reverse direction. * @param n the Role to start from * @return a Set containinf the principals */ public Set find_principals(Role n) { Set principals = new HashSet(); bfs(n, null, null, new principalSearch(principals)); return principals; } /** * Class extended to specialize the behavior of the bfs routine at the core * of the query system. There are two ways to customize - the traversal * order which controls if edges are followed in the orientation of the * graph or in the reverse orientation and a member called when an edge is * added to an output graph. */ private abstract class bfsSearchDirection { /** * Return a collection of outgoing edges under the search direction's * interpretation. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param v a V, the vertex from which the edges come * @return a collection of outgoing edges under the search direction's * interpretation. */ public abstract Collection forwardEdges(Graph g, V v); /** * Return a collection of incoming edges under the search direction's * interpretation. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param v a V, the vertex into which the edges come * @return a collection of outgoing edges under the search direction's * interpretation. */ public abstract Collection backwardEdges(Graph g, V v); /** * Return the source of this edge under the search direction's * interpretation. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param e an E, the edge being considered * @return the source of this edge under the search direction's * interpretation. **/ public abstract V getSource(Graph g, E e); /** * Return the destination of this edge under the search direction's * interpretation. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param e an E, the edge being considered * @return the destination of this edge under the search direction's * interpretation. **/ public abstract V getDest(Graph g, E e); /** * Called when an edge is added; do nothing. * @param e an E edge being added. */ public void keptEdge(E e) { } } /** * Class that runs the BFS along the graph as defined. */ private class forwardSearch extends bfsSearchDirection { /** * Return a collection of outgoing edges; outgoing is defined by the * graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param v a V, the vertex from which the edges come * @return a collection of outgoing edges */ public Collection forwardEdges(Graph g, V v) { return g.getOutEdges(v); } /** * Return a collection of incoming edges; incoming is defined by the * graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param v a V, the vertex into which the edges come * @return a collection of outgoing edges */ public Collection backwardEdges(Graph g, V v) { return g.getInEdges(v); } /** * Return the source of this edge as defined by the underlying graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param e an E, the edge being considered * @return the source of this edge */ public V getSource(Graph g, E e) { return g.getSource(e); } /** * Return the destination of this edge as defined by the underlying * graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param e an E, the edge being considered * @return the destination of this edge */ public V getDest(Graph g, E e) { return g.getDest(e); } /** * Called when an edge is added; do nothing. * @param e an E edge being added. */ public void keptEdge(E e) { } } /** * Class that runs the BFS along reversed links. */ private class reverseSearch extends bfsSearchDirection { /** * Return a collection of outgoing edges; outgoing is reversed with * respect to the graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param v a V, the vertex from which the edges come * @return a collection of outgoing edges */ public Collection forwardEdges(Graph g, V v) { return g.getInEdges(v); } /** * Return a collection of incoming edges; incoming is reversed with * respect to the graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param v a V, the vertex into which the edges come * @return a collection of outgoing edges */ public Collection backwardEdges(Graph g, V v) { return g.getOutEdges(v); } /** * Return the source of this edge in the reverse of the underlying * graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param e an E, the edge being considered * @return the source of this edge */ public V getSource(Graph g, E e) { return g.getDest(e); } /** * Return the destination of this edge in the reverse of the underlying * graph. * @param g the Graph being traversed * @param e an E, the edge being considered * @return the destination of this edge */ public V getDest(Graph g, E e) { return g.getSource(e); } } /** * Class that traverses the graph in reverse asd collects all principal * nodes found. */ private class principalSearch extends reverseSearch { /** This collects the principals */ private Set p; /** * Create a principalSearch that inserts into s * @param s a Set of Roles to update (may be null). */ public principalSearch(Set s) { if ( (p = s) == null ) p = new HashSet(); } /** * Put principals on valid edges into the attached set. * @param e an E (edge) being inserted into the final proof graph */ public void keptEdge(E e) { if ( !(e instanceof Credential) ) return; Credential c = (Credential) e; if (c.tail().is_principal()) p.add(c.tail()); } } /** * Conduct a breadth first search along the underlying graph from src to * dest. If a valid path is found, add it to path (which mat be null). * The dir parameter controls the direction of the traversal and may invoke * a side effect when an edge is added to path. Though the graph may be * traversed in either direction, path is always in the same sense as the * underlying graph. If dest is null the bfs runs until all * reachable nodes have been visited and that graph is returned as a * success. * @param src the Role to start the search from * @param dest the Role to find a path to * @param path a Graph in which the result path is * returned * @param dir a bfsSearchDirection that defines direction * of search and side effects * @return true if the path is found */ private boolean bfs(Role src, Role dest, Graph path, bfsSearchDirection dir) { Queue q = new ArrayDeque(); DirectedGraph bfs = new DirectedSparseGraph(); HashSet visited = new HashSet(); boolean foundDest = false; if (src == null || !g.containsVertex(src)) return false; q.add(src); visited.add(src); bfs.addVertex(src); while ( q.size() > 0 && !foundDest) { Role x = q.remove(); for (Credential e: dir.forwardEdges(g, x)) { Role y = dir.getDest(g, e); if ( !visited.contains(y)) { visited.add(y); bfs.addVertex(y); bfs.addEdge(e, e.tail(), e.head()); if ( dest != null && y.equals(dest)) { foundDest = true; break; } q.add(y); } } } /* If foundDest is true, we know that the path from src to dest is * there, so backtrack from dest to source, adding to path as we go. * If we didn't find anything return the BFS as a partial proof. Note * that whatever direction the search progresses, this builds a return * graph that has edges directed the same way as edges in g. * * If path is null, don't add the nodes to it (duh) but do decide which * nodes would be kept in case dir needs that info. E.g. * findPrincipals does not need the path to the principals, just their * identity. */ if ( foundDest ) { Role v = dest; if (path != null && !path.containsVertex(dest)) path.addVertex(dest); while (!v.equals(src)) { Collection backEdges = dir.backwardEdges(bfs, v); if (backEdges.size() != 1 ) System.err.println("What!?"); for (Credential e: backEdges) { Role u = dir.getSource(bfs, e); if ( path != null && !path.containsVertex(u)) path.addVertex(u); if ( path != null && !path.containsEdge(e)) path.addEdge(e, e.tail(), e.head()); dir.keptEdge(e); v = u; } } } else { for (Role v: bfs.getVertices() ) if (path != null && !path.containsVertex(v)) path.addVertex(v); for (Credential e: bfs.getEdges()) { if ( path != null && !path.containsEdge(e)) path.addEdge(e, e.tail(), e.head()); dir.keptEdge(e); } } return foundDest || dest == null; } }