package net.deterlab.abac.regression; import*; import java.util.*; import net.deterlab.abac.*; public class WriteCreds extends RegressionTest { protected String className; /** * Put out an identity and key into dir named by the name of the Identity * @param i the Identity to write * @param dir a File holding the destination directory * @throws IOException if the file writing fails */ public void writeCombinedIdentity(Identity i, File dir) throws IOException { FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream( new File(dir, i.getName() + ".pem")); i.write(f); i.writePrivateKey(f); } /** * Create a new Credential/Identity writing test for the given class of * credentials. * @param cn a String containing the binary name of the class to test */ public WriteCreds(String cn) { super(cn.substring( cn.lastIndexOf('.') == -1 ? 0 : cn.lastIndexOf('.') +1 ) + " credential writing test"); className = cn; } /** * Carry out the test. Create credentials for the create_experiment * example, run the proof and make sure the correct proof is generated. * @param data a File pointing to a directory that contains files the test * may need * @param scratch a File pointing to a directory that the test can use to * store data * @return a boolean, true if the test is passed */ public boolean runTest(File data, File scratch) { try { Context ctxt = new Context(); Identity acme = new Identity("Acme", 10L*365L*24L*3600L); Identity globotron = new Identity("Globotron"); Identity alice = new Identity("Alice"); Identity bob = new Identity("Bob"); Vector ids = new Vector(); Vector creds = new Vector(); Collections.addAll(ids, acme, globotron, alice, bob); for ( Identity i: ids) writeCombinedIdentity(i, scratch); ctxt.setCredentialFactory(new CredentialFactory( new String[] { className})); for (Identity id: new Identity[] { acme, globotron, alice, bob } ) ctxt.load_id_chunk(id.getCertificate()); Credential c = ctxt.newCredential( new Role(acme.getKeyID() + ".experiment_create"), new Role(acme.getKeyID() + ".partner.experiment_create")); c.make_cert(acme); creds.add(c); c = ctxt.newCredential( new Role(acme.getKeyID() + ".partner"), new Role(globotron.getKeyID())); c.make_cert(acme); creds.add(c); c = ctxt.newCredential( new Role(globotron.getKeyID() + ".experiment_create"), new Role(globotron.getKeyID() + ".admin.power_user")); c.make_cert(globotron); creds.add(c); c = ctxt.newCredential( new Role(globotron.getKeyID() + ".admin"), new Role(alice.getKeyID())); c.make_cert(globotron); creds.add(c); c = ctxt.newCredential( new Role(alice.getKeyID() + ".power_user"), new Role(bob.getKeyID())); c.make_cert(alice); creds.add(c); int i =0; for (Credential cc: creds) { cc.write(new File(scratch,"e" + i + cc.getSuffix()).toString()); i++; } Context ctxt2 = new Context(); ctxt2.load_directory(scratch); Collection nids = ctxt2.identities(); Collection ncreds = ctxt2.credentials(); if ( nids.size() != ids.size()) { setReason("Different number of identities read " + nids.size() + " expected " + ids.size()); return false; } for (Identity ii: ids ) if ( !nids.contains(ii)) { setReason("Identity " + ii + " not read successfully"); return false; } if ( ncreds.size() != creds.size()) { setReason("Different number of credentials read " + ncreds.size() + " expecting " + creds.size()); return false; } for (Credential cc: creds ) if ( !ncreds.contains(cc)) { setReason("Credential " + cc + " not read successfully"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { setReason(e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } }