#include #include #include "abac_graph.h" #include "abac_set.h" #include "abac_util.h" #include "uthash.h" // vertex struct _abac_vertex_t { abac_role_t *role; char *name; abac_list_t *edges; // only relevant to intersection edges abac_list_t *prereqs; UT_hash_handle hh; }; // edge typedef struct _abac_edge_t { abac_vertex_t *vertex; abac_credential_t *credential; } abac_edge_t; // derived edge typedef struct _abac_derived_key_t { abac_vertex_t *head; abac_edge_t *tail; } abac_derived_key_t; typedef struct _abac_derived_t { abac_derived_key_t key; UT_hash_handle hh; } abac_derived_t; // graph struct _abac_graph_t { abac_vertex_t *vertices; abac_derived_t *derived; int dirty; }; // ugghhhghhhghh need this for intersections abac_list_t *abac_role_prereqs(abac_role_t *); /** * Create a new graph. */ abac_graph_t *abac_graph_new(void) { abac_graph_t *graph = abac_xmalloc(sizeof(abac_graph_t)); graph->vertices = NULL; graph->derived = NULL; graph->dirty = 0; return graph; } /** * Deep copy a graph. */ abac_graph_t *abac_graph_dup(abac_graph_t *graph) { abac_vertex_t *vertex; abac_edge_t *edge; abac_graph_t *clone = abac_graph_new(); // copy the vertices edge by edge for (vertex = graph->vertices; vertex != NULL; vertex = vertex->hh.next) abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, edge, // only copy non-derived edges if (edge->credential != NULL) abac_graph_add_credential(clone, edge->credential); ); return clone; } /** * Add a vertex to the graph. Should only be called by abac_graph_add_credential. */ static abac_vertex_t *_get_vertex(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_role_t *role) { abac_vertex_t *vertex; char *string; string = abac_role_string(role); HASH_FIND_STR(graph->vertices, string, vertex); // add the vertex if it doesn't exist if (vertex == NULL) { vertex = abac_xmalloc(sizeof(abac_vertex_t)); vertex->role = abac_role_dup(role); vertex->name = abac_role_string(vertex->role); // create the list of edges vertex->edges = abac_list_new(); // for intersections, always NULL on normal vertices if (abac_role_is_intersection(role)) { abac_role_t *prereq; vertex->prereqs = abac_list_new(); // add each prereq to the vertex abac_list_foreach(abac_role_prereqs(role), prereq, abac_vertex_t *tail_vertex = _get_vertex(graph, prereq); abac_list_add(vertex->prereqs, tail_vertex); ); } // normal edges have no prereqs else vertex->prereqs = NULL; // add it to the vertices HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, graph->vertices, vertex->name, strlen(vertex->name), vertex); } return vertex; } /** * Add a credential to the credential graph. */ int abac_graph_add_credential(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_credential_t *cred) { abac_vertex_t *head_vertex, *tail_vertex; abac_edge_t *edge; assert(cred != NULL); abac_role_t *head = abac_credential_head(cred); abac_role_t *tail = abac_credential_tail(cred); // a valid credential must have a role for the head if (!abac_role_is_role(head)) return 0; head_vertex = _get_vertex(graph, head); tail_vertex = _get_vertex(graph, tail); // make sure we don't insert the same edge twice (ugh) abac_list_foreach(head_vertex->edges, edge, if (edge->vertex == tail_vertex) return 0; ); // create the edge and add it edge = abac_xmalloc(sizeof(abac_edge_t)); edge->vertex = tail_vertex; edge->credential = abac_credential_dup(cred); abac_list_add(head_vertex->edges, edge); // must re-derive edges graph->dirty = 1; return 1; } // find the principals that have a role static abac_set_t *_find_principals(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_vertex_t *start_vertex) { abac_set_t *principals = abac_set_new(); abac_list_t *traversal = abac_graph_postorder(graph, start_vertex->role); abac_vertex_t *vertex; abac_list_foreach(traversal, vertex, if (abac_role_is_principal(vertex->role)) abac_set_add(principals, abac_role_string(vertex->role)); ); abac_list_free(traversal); return principals; } // remove any derived edges from the graph void _clear_derived(abac_graph_t *graph) { abac_derived_t *current; while (graph->derived) { current = graph->derived; HASH_DEL(graph->derived, current); abac_vertex_t *head = current->key.head; abac_edge_t *tail = current->key.tail; assert(tail->credential == NULL); // this can fail, but we assume the data structures are consistent abac_list_remove(head->edges, tail); free(current); free(tail); } } // add a derived edge, returns 1 if added 0 if dup static int _derived_edge(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_vertex_t *head, abac_vertex_t *tail) { abac_edge_t *edge; // don't add duplicate edges abac_list_foreach(head->edges, edge, if (edge->vertex == tail) return 0; ); debug_printf("derived edge %s <- %s\n", head->name, tail->name); edge = abac_xmalloc(sizeof(abac_edge_t)); edge->vertex = tail; edge->credential = NULL; abac_list_add(head->edges, edge); // add to list of derived edges abac_derived_t *derived = abac_xmalloc(sizeof(abac_derived_t)); derived->key.head = head; derived->key.tail = edge; HASH_ADD(hh, graph->derived, key, sizeof(abac_derived_key_t), derived); return 1; } // find a vertex by name abac_vertex_t *_find_vertex(abac_graph_t *graph, char *name) { abac_vertex_t *ret = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(graph->vertices, name, ret); return ret; } /** * Single iteration of deriving new edges. Returns the number of new edges * added. */ static int _derive_links_iter(abac_graph_t *graph) { int count = 0; abac_vertex_t *vertex; for (vertex = graph->vertices; vertex != NULL; vertex = vertex->hh.next) { // intersection if (abac_role_is_intersection(vertex->role)) { // for each prereq edge: // find principals that have the edge // find intersection of all sets // for each principal B in intersection: // add link char *name; abac_vertex_t *prereq; abac_set_t *principals = NULL; abac_list_foreach(vertex->prereqs, prereq, abac_set_t *cur = _find_principals(graph, prereq); if (principals == NULL) principals = cur; else { abac_set_intersect(principals, cur); abac_set_free(cur); } if (abac_set_size(principals) == 0) goto isect_done; ); abac_list_t *prin_names = abac_set_elements(principals); abac_list_foreach(prin_names, name, abac_vertex_t *principal = _find_vertex(graph, name); count += _derived_edge(graph, vertex, principal); ); abac_list_free(prin_names); isect_done: abac_set_free(principals); } // linking role else if (abac_role_is_linking(vertex->role)) { // linking roles take the form A.r1.r2 char *A_r1 = abac_role_linked_role(vertex->role); char *r2 = abac_role_role_name(vertex->role); // find the linked role in the graph abac_vertex_t *A_r1_vertex; HASH_FIND_STR(graph->vertices, A_r1, A_r1_vertex); if (A_r1_vertex == NULL) continue; // find the principals that have A.r1 abac_set_t *principals = _find_principals(graph, A_r1_vertex); char *B; abac_list_t *elts = abac_set_elements(principals); // and add a link for each B.r2 to A.r1.r2 abac_list_foreach(elts, B, int B_len = strlen(B); int r2_len = strlen(r2); // create the string B.r2, thx C char *B_r2 = malloc(B_len + r2_len + 2); memcpy(B_r2, B, B_len); B_r2[B_len] = '.'; memcpy(B_r2 + B_len + 1, r2, r2_len); B_r2[B_len + r2_len + 1] = 0; // add an edge if the principal's granted it to someone abac_vertex_t *B_r2_vertex = _find_vertex(graph, B_r2); if (B_r2_vertex) { debug_printf("adding edge from %s to %s\n", B_r2, abac_role_string(vertex->role)); count += _derived_edge(graph, vertex, B_r2_vertex); } #ifdef DEBUG debug_printf(" incoming edges for %s\n", abac_role_string(vertex->role)); abac_edge_t *cur; abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, cur, debug_printf(" %s (%s)\n", abac_role_string(cur->vertex->role), cur->vertex->name); ); #endif free(B_r2); ); abac_list_free(elts); abac_set_free(principals); } } return count; } /** * Derive all implied edges in the graph. These can come from linking roles * and intersections. * * We have to do it iteratively because derived edges can imply new edges. */ void abac_graph_derive_links(abac_graph_t *graph) { if (!graph->dirty) return; // iterate as long as new links are derived while (_derive_links_iter(graph) > 0) ; graph->dirty = 0; } static void _order_recurse(abac_vertex_t *vertex, abac_set_t *seen, int preorder, abac_list_t *stack) { abac_edge_t *incoming; // don't revisit nodes if (!abac_set_add(seen, abac_role_string(vertex->role))) return; if (preorder) abac_list_add(stack, vertex); // recurse along the incoming vertices abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, incoming, _order_recurse(incoming->vertex, seen, preorder, stack); ); if (!preorder) abac_list_add(stack, vertex); } static abac_list_t *_order(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_role_t *start, int preorder) { debug_printf("%sorder at %s\n", preorder ? "pre" : "post", abac_role_string(start)); abac_vertex_t *start_vertex = _get_vertex(graph, start); abac_set_t *seen = abac_set_new(); // create the return list abac_list_t *stack = abac_list_new(); _order_recurse(start_vertex, seen, preorder, stack); abac_set_free(seen); return stack; } abac_list_t *abac_graph_postorder(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_role_t *start) { return _order(graph, start, 0); } /** * Postorder traverse the graph and return all the credentials within. */ abac_list_t *abac_graph_postorder_credentials(abac_graph_t *graph, char *start) { abac_vertex_t *vertex; abac_edge_t *incoming; // get the postorder of vertices abac_role_t *role = abac_role_from_string(start); abac_list_t *order = abac_graph_postorder(graph, role); // go through the list and dup all the credentials abac_list_t *credentials = abac_list_new(); abac_list_foreach(order, vertex, abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, incoming, if (incoming->credential != NULL) abac_list_add(credentials, abac_credential_dup(incoming->credential)); ); ); abac_role_free(role); abac_list_free(order); return credentials; } static void _query(abac_graph_t *graph, char *role_name, char *principal, abac_graph_t *return_graph) { abac_vertex_t *vertex; abac_edge_t *incoming; abac_role_t *role = abac_role_from_string(role_name); abac_role_t *prin_role = abac_role_from_string(principal); // give up on bogus roles if (role == NULL || prin_role == NULL) { free(role); free(prin_role); return; } printf("\nQQQ ===> graph query with prin_role(%s) on role(%s)\n", abac_role_string(prin_role), abac_role_string(role)); abac_set_t *on_path = abac_set_new(); abac_set_add(on_path, abac_role_string(prin_role)); abac_list_t *traversal = abac_graph_postorder(graph, role); abac_list_foreach(traversal, vertex, abac_role_t *role = vertex->role; printf("\nQQQ ===> with role %s\n", abac_role_string(role)); abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, incoming, abac_role_t *incoming_role = incoming->vertex->role; printf("\nQQQ ===> incoming role %s\n", abac_role_string(incoming_role)); if (!abac_set_contains(on_path, abac_role_string(incoming_role))) continue; abac_set_add(on_path, abac_role_string(role)); // get implying edges for intersection vertices if (abac_role_is_intersection(role)) { abac_vertex_t *prereq; abac_list_foreach(vertex->prereqs, prereq, printf("QQQ - prereq->name is %s\n", prereq->name); _query(graph, prereq->name, principal, return_graph); ); } // recursively find linked roles else if (abac_role_is_linking(role)) { char *linked_role = abac_role_linked_role(role); char *principal = abac_role_principal(incoming_role); printf("QQQ - recursive linked %s\n", linked_role); _query(graph, linked_role, principal, return_graph); } // add non-derived edges to the proof graph else abac_graph_add_credential(return_graph, incoming->credential); ); ); abac_list_free(traversal); abac_set_free(on_path); abac_role_free(role); abac_role_free(prin_role); } abac_graph_t *abac_graph_query(abac_graph_t *graph, char *role, char *principal) { abac_graph_derive_links(graph); abac_graph_t *return_graph = abac_graph_new(); _query(graph, role, principal, return_graph); abac_graph_derive_links(return_graph); return return_graph; } /** * Get all the credentials (attribute/issuer cert pairs) from the graph. */ abac_list_t *abac_graph_credentials(abac_graph_t *graph) { abac_list_t *credentials = abac_list_new(); abac_vertex_t *vertex; for (vertex = graph->vertices; vertex != NULL; vertex = vertex->hh.next) { abac_edge_t *edge; abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, edge, if (edge->credential != NULL) abac_list_add(credentials, abac_credential_dup(edge->credential)); ); } return credentials; } void abac_graph_free(abac_graph_t *graph) { abac_vertex_t *vertex; abac_edge_t *edge; // kill derived edges _clear_derived(graph); // delete vertices while ((vertex = graph->vertices) != NULL) { HASH_DEL(graph->vertices, vertex); abac_role_free(vertex->role); abac_list_foreach(vertex->edges, edge, if (edge->credential != NULL) abac_credential_free(edge->credential); free(edge); ); abac_list_free(vertex->edges); // the prereq vertices will be freed by the outer while loop if (vertex->prereqs != NULL) abac_list_free(vertex->prereqs); free(vertex); } free(graph); } abac_role_t *abac_vertex_role(abac_vertex_t *vertex) { return vertex->role; }