#ifndef __GRAPH_H__ #define __GRAPH_H__ #include "abac.h" #include "abac_list.h" #include "abac_verifier.h" #define ABAC_GRAPH_CRED_OK 0 // adding a credential succeeded #define ABAC_GRAPH_CRED_INVALID -1 // the credential was invalid #define ABAC_GRAPH_CRED_DUP -2 // the credential is already present in the graph typedef struct _abac_graph_t abac_graph_t; typedef struct _abac_vertex_t abac_vertex_t; abac_graph_t *abac_graph_new(void); abac_graph_t *abac_graph_dup(abac_graph_t *graph); // returns a status as defined at the top of the file int abac_graph_add_credential(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_credential_t *cred); void abac_graph_derive_links(abac_graph_t *graph); abac_list_t *abac_graph_postorder(abac_graph_t *graph, abac_role_t *start); abac_list_t *abac_graph_postorder_credentials(abac_graph_t *graph, char *start); abac_graph_t *abac_graph_query(abac_graph_t *graph, char *role, char *principal); abac_list_t *abac_graph_credentials(abac_graph_t *graph); void abac_graph_free(abac_graph_t *graph); abac_role_t *abac_vertex_role(abac_vertex_t *vertex); #endif /* __GRAPH_H__ */