#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use IO::Socket::SSL; use XMLRPC; use lib '../swig/perl'; use ABAC; ABAC::libabac_init; use constant { PORT => 8000, }; my ($keystore, $cert, $key); my $port = 8000; GetOptions( 'keystore=s' => \$keystore, 'port=i' => \$port, 'cert=s' => \$cert, 'key=s' => \$key, ) || usage(); usage() unless defined $keystore && defined $cert && defined $key; my $ctx = ABAC::Context->new; $ctx->load_directory($keystore); my $server = XMLRPC->new(); $server->add_method({ name => 'abac.query', code => \&abac_query, signature => [ 'struct struct' ], }); $server->run($port, $cert, $key); sub abac_query { my ($server, $request) = @_; my $peer_cert = $server->{peer_cert}; my $peer_id = ABAC::SSL_keyid($peer_cert); # clone the context so the state remains pure between requests my $local_ctx = ABAC::Context->new($ctx); foreach my $cred (@{$request->{credentials}}) { my $ret = $local_ctx->load_id_chunk($cred->{issuer_cert}); warn "Invalid issuer certificate" unless $ret == $ABAC::ABAC_CERT_SUCCESS; $ret = $local_ctx->load_attribute_chunk($cred->{attribute_cert}); warn "Invalid attribute certificate" unless $ret == $ABAC::ABAC_CERT_SUCCESS; } my $role = $request->{role}; print "$role <- $peer_id\n"; my ($success, $credentials) = $local_ctx->query($role, $peer_id); return { success => $success, map {{ attribute_cert => RPC::XML::base64->new($_->attribute_cert), issuer_cert => RPC::XML::base64->new($_->issuer_cert), }} @$credentials, }; } sub usage { print "Usage: $0 \\\n"; print " --keystore [ --port ] \\\n"; print " --cert --key \n"; print " port defaults to 8000\n"; print "\n"; print " cert and key must be an OpenSSL cert and key\n"; print " ABAC cert and key will not work\n"; exit 1; }