#!/usr/bin/env sh # # This example demonstrates intersections. An intersection is a logical and of # roles or osets. An intersection succeeds if the principal is in the # intersection of the sets defined by the roles. # # The policy set by Acme is that a character must both a preferred customer and # a WarnerBrothers character to buy rockets. Each of those attributes is # specified by a role. # # This example defines 4 principals, Acme, WarnerBrothers, Coyote and Batman. # Credential 1 defines the policy requiring both roles to get the buy_rockets # role. Credential 2 gives the Coyote a preferred_customer role. Credential 3 # gives Batman the preferred_customer role and Credential 4 recognizes the # Coyote as a Warner Brothers character. # #In order to buy rockets from Acme, you must be BOTH a preferred customer #AND a WarnerBros character. In this example, the following query will be #successful: # # Acme.buy_rockets <-?- Coyote # #The following query will fail (because Batman does not have the #attribute WarnerBros.character): # # Acme.buy_rockets <-?- Batman # #Acme.buy_rockets <- Acme.preferred_customer & WarnerBros.character #Acme.preferred_customer <- Coyote #Acme.preferred_customer <- Batman #WarnerBros.character <- Coyote # rm -rf *.xml *.pem if [ -z "${TESTDIR}" ] ; then TESTDIR=../.. fi . ${TESTDIR}/test_util.sh $eloc/creddy --generate --cn Acme $eloc/creddy --generate --cn WarnerBros $eloc/creddy --generate --cn Coyote $eloc/creddy --generate --cn Batman $eloc/creddy --attribute \ --issuer Acme_ID.pem --key Acme_private.pem --role buy_rockets \ --subject-cert Acme_ID.pem --subject-role preferred_customer \ --subject-cert WarnerBros_ID.pem --subject-role character \ --out Acme_buy_rockets__Acme_preferred_customer_and_WarnerBros_character_attr.xml $eloc/creddy --attribute \ --issuer Acme_ID.pem --key Acme_private.pem --role preferred_customer \ --subject-cert Coyote_ID.pem \ --out Acme_preferred_customer__Coyote_attr.xml $eloc/creddy --attribute \ --issuer Acme_ID.pem --key Acme_private.pem --role preferred_customer \ --subject-cert Batman_ID.pem \ --out Acme_preferred_customer__Batman_attr.xml $eloc/creddy --attribute \ --issuer WarnerBros_ID.pem --key WarnerBros_private.pem --role character \ --subject-cert Coyote_ID.pem \ --out WarnerBros_character__Coyote_attr.xml