#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use ABAC; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; my ($idfile, $keyfile, $id2file, $attrxml); GetOptions( 'id=s' => \$idfile, 'key=s' => \$keyfile, 'id2=s' => \$id2file, 'attr=s' => \$attrxml, ) || usage(); usage() unless defined $idfile && defined $keyfile && $id2file && defined $attrxml; my $ctx = ABAC::Context->new; my $ice; my $choco; eval { # will throw a RuntimeException if it can't load the cert $ice = ABAC::ID->new($idfile); $ice->load_privkey($keyfile); $choco = ABAC::ID->new($id2file); }; if ($@) { print "ERROR, Problem loading cert: $@"; exit; } print $ice->keyid, " , ice cream\n"; print $choco->keyid, " , chocolate\n"; my $attr; eval { $attr = ABAC::Attribute->new($ice,"delicious",1000); $attr->principal($choco->keyid()); $attr->bake(); }; if ($@) { print "ERROR, Problem baking attribute: $@"; exit; } eval { $attr->write_file($attrxml); }; if ($@) { print "ERROR, Problem writing attribute's xml file: $@"; exit; } sub usage { print "Usage: $0 \\\n"; print " --id --key \n"; print " --id2 --attr \n"; print " loads id/key, id2, and makes attr\n"; exit 1; }