#!/bin/sh SET=$1 filename=${SET}_orig if [ ! -e $filename ] ; then exit fi ## generate the plot script make_script() { cat < $DATA.p set title "$TITLE" set terminal jpeg medium size 640,480 set output "$DATA.jpeg" set autoscale unset log unset label set xtic auto set ytic auto set xr [0:*] set yr [0:*] set xlabel "Number of Credentials" set ylabel "$TYPE time ($TIME)" plot '$DATA.dat' using $X:$Y notitle with linespoints FIN } X=1 Y=2 ### making loading script TYPE='Loading' TITLE='Credential Loading Time' DATA=${SET}_load TIME='msec' make_script gnuplot ${SET}_load.p ### making average good query script TYPE='Successful Query' TITLE='Average Successful Query Time' DATA=${SET}_mgood TIME='microsec' make_script gnuplot ${SET}_mgood.p ### making average bad query script TYPE='Unsuccessful Query' TITLE='Average Unsuccessful Query Time' DATA=${SET}_mbad TIME='microsec' make_script gnuplot ${SET}_mbad.p