#!/usr/local/bin/python import gtk import gobject import ABAC import Creddy import os import re import copy import base64 import ConfigParser from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree class proof: def __init__(self, name, prover, role, principal, creds): self.name = name self.prover = prover self.role = role self.principal = principal self.ctxt = ABAC.Context() self.keyid_to_cn = { } self.cn_to_keyid = { } attrs = [] try: d = mkdtemp() for c in creds: cc = self.pem_to_der(c) succ = self.ctxt.load_id_chunk(cc) if succ == ABAC.ABAC_CERT_SUCCESS: try: fn = os.path.join(d, 'file.pem') f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(cc) f.close() cid = Creddy.ID(fn) base_cn = cn = re.sub('_ID.pem$','',cid.cert_filename()) i = 0 while cn in self.cn_to_keyid: cn = '%s%03d' % (base_cn, i) i += 1 self.cn_to_keyid[cn] = cid.keyid() self.keyid_to_cn[cid.keyid()] = cn except EnvironmentError, e: print >>sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (e.filename, e.strerror) else: attrs.append(cc) for c in attrs: self.ctxt.load_attribute_chunk(c) finally: rmtree(d) @staticmethod def pem_to_der(c): pat = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----(.*)-----END CERTIFICATE' m = re.match(pat, c, re.DOTALL) if m: return base64.b64decode(m.group(1)) else: return c def replace_keyids(self, s): for k, v in self.keyid_to_cn.items(): s = re.sub(k, v, s) return s def __str__(self): s = 'Name: %s\n' % self.name s += 'Prover: %s\n' % self.prover s += 'Principal: %s\n' % self.principal s += 'Role: %s\n' % self.role s += 'Creds: \n' for c in self.ctxt.credentials(): s += self.replace_keyids( '%s <- %s\n' % ( c.head().string(), c.tail().string())) return s class window(gtk.Window): ''' The main GUI class. It presents the various TreeViews and menus to save/load/add, to add credentials, identities and actions and to change the policy translation variable. It keeps its current size and location in the .abac_policy_tool.cfg file in the user's home. ''' # Definition of the menus ui_def = ''' ''' # Path to the configuration cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.abac_proof_explainer.cfg') @staticmethod def wrapit(widget): ''' Put widget into a ScrolledWindow with automatic scrollbars on both directions, and return the ScrolledWindow. ''' sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.add(widget) return sw def translate_keyids(self, s): for k, n in self.key_to_name: s = re.sub(k, n, s) return s def makeListView(self, l, title): lm = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING) tv = gtk.TreeView(lm) tv.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(title, gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)) for v in l: lm.append((self.translate_keyids(v),)) return tv def report_error(self, message): ''' Put a MessageDialog up with the given message. This is a member method so that it can be centered on the window. ''' md = gtk.MessageDialog(self, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, message) md.run() md.destroy() def __init__(self): ''' Initialize all the GTK hooks for menus, put the various TreeViews up (connected to the policy) and read teh configuration for current position. ''' gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.key_to_name = [] try: f = open('./names', 'r') for l in f: m = re.match('(\\S+)\s+(\\S+)', l) if m: self.key_to_name.append((m.group(1), m.group(2))) f.close() except EnvironmentError: pass self.set_title('ABAC Policy Tool') self.connect('destroy', self.quit) self.connect('show', self.shown) self.connect('configure-event', self.changed) self.pos = (0,0) self.size = (500, 500) self.read_config() self.proofs = [] # Make the Menus real ui = gtk.UIManager() ag = gtk.ActionGroup('action') ag.add_actions(( ('FileMenu', None, 'File'), ('FileQuit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, None, None, None, self.quit), )) # load and append call the same method with different user data - # whether to clear current policy or not. ag.add_actions(( ('FileLoad', gtk.STOCK_OPEN, None, None, None, self.load), ), True) ui.insert_action_group(ag, -1) ui.add_ui_from_string(window.ui_def) # Put it all together and show it. mb = ui.get_widget('ui/menubar') vb = gtk.VBox() vb.pack_start(mb, False, False, 0) #vb.pack_start(nb, True, True, 0) self.add(vb) self.show_all() def quit(self, widget=None, data=None): ''' Called from File->Quit in the menu. Save location/size and exit ''' self.save_config() gtk.main_quit() def load(self, widget=None, data=None): ''' Called to either load or append to the loaded policy. data is the clearit parameter to the load call. Other than that, just put up a requester and do the thing. ''' d = gtk.FileChooserDialog('Load file', self, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, ( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) d.set_select_multiple(False) d.set_current_folder('.') d.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) rv = d.run() d.hide() if rv == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.read_proofs(d.get_filename()) # XXX multiple proofs self.get_child().add(self.interpret_proof(self.proofs[0])) self.show_all() d.destroy() def shown(self, w): ''' Handles an event where the window appears. Move to the saved position and size. ''' self.move(*self.pos) self.resize(*self.size) def changed(self, w, e): ''' Handles an event where the window changes (resizes or moves). Remember the size and position. ''' self.pos = self.get_position() self.size = self.get_size() def get_intpair(self, sect, opt): ''' Utility to pull a pair of integers from a configuration file. The size and position are thsi kind of data, so this is used a couple places. ''' if not self.cfg.has_section(sect): self.cfg.add_section(sect) if self.cfg.has_option(sect, opt): try: return [int(x) for x in self.cfg.get(sect, opt).split(',', 1)] except ValueError: return None else: return None def read_config(self): ''' Get the saved size and position from the config file, if any ''' self.cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() self.cfg.read(window.cfg_path) self.pos = self.get_intpair('geom', 'pos') or ( 0, 0) self.size = self.get_intpair('geom', 'size') or ( 500, 500) def save_config(self): ''' Save the current postion to the default config file. ''' self.cfg.set('geom', 'pos', '%d,%d' % self.pos) self.cfg.set('geom', 'size', '%d,%d' % self.size) try: f = open(window.cfg_path, 'w') self.cfg.write(f) f.close() except EnvironmentError, e: pass def read_proofs(self, fn): self.proofs = [] try: f = open(fn, 'r') creds = [] for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == '': prover = None principal = None role = None creds = [] elif line == '' : p = proof(name, prover, role, principal, creds) ok, pp = p.ctxt.query(role, principal) if not ok: self.proofs.append(p) m = re.match('(.*)', line) if m is not None: name = m.group(1) m = re.match('([0-9a-f]+)', line) if m is not None: principal = m.group(1) m = re.match('([0-9a-f]+)', line) if m is not None: prover = m.group(1) m = re.match('(.*)', line) if m is not None: role = m.group(1) m = re.match('(.*)', line) if m is not None: creds.append(base64.b64decode(m.group(1))) f.close() except EnvironmentError, e: self.report_error("Cannot open %s: %s" % (e.filename, e.strerror)) return def interpret_proof(self, p): roles = set() direct_roles = {} groles = set() principals = set() goals = set() attrs = set() ok, proof = p.ctxt.query(p.role, p.principal) for c in p.ctxt.credentials(): role = c.tail() if role.is_principal(): if role.string() != p.principal: principals.add(role.string()) else: assigner, r = c.head().string().split('.') direct_roles[r] = assigner else: r = role.string() for s in r.split('&'): roles.add(s.strip()) groles.add(r) role = c.head() roles.add(role.string()) groles.add(role.string()) for r in groles: ok, proof = p.ctxt.query(p.role, r) if ok : goals.add(r) for r in roles: ok, proof = p.ctxt.query(r, p.principal) if ok: attrs.add(r) split_goals = [ [s.strip() for s in g.split('&')] for g in goals ] plans = [] for sg in split_goals: pl = [] for g in sg: if g.count('.') == 2: # linking role pr, rr, lr = g.split('.') if lr in direct_roles: pl.append('add %s.%s to %s' % (pr, rr, direct_roles[lr])) else: pl.append('someone with %s.%s must delegate %s to %s' % \ (pr, rr, lr, p.principal)) elif g.count('.') == 1: pl.append('add %s to %s' % (g, principal)) plans.append('\n'.join(pl)) vb = gtk.VBox() vb.set_border_width(20) vb.pack_start( self.wrapit( self.makeListView([p.prover], "Entity Blocking Access") ), True, True,0) vb.pack_start( self.wrapit( self.makeListView(plans, "Suggested Actions") ), True, True,0) vb.pack_start( self.wrapit( self.makeListView(goals, "Required Slice Attributes") ), True, True,0) vb.pack_start( self.wrapit( self.makeListView(attrs, "Slice Attributes Present") ), True, True,0) vb.show_all() return vb w = window() gtk.main()