>>>> keycheck the encrypted private key (with passphrase file) ... creddy keycheck : enc_private.pem is okay >>>> generate a regular abac private key ... Generating key, this will take a while. Create entropy! - move the mouse - generate disk activity (run find) >>>> keycheck the regular private key ... creddy keycheck : abc_private.pem is okay >>>> attr check the regular id credential ... Issuer: CN=abc Subject: CN=abc >>>> verify check the regular id credential ... certificates valid >>>> generate an id credential using encrypted private key ... >>>> attr check the id credential ... Issuer: CN=abcE Subject: CN=abcE >>>> verify check the id credential ... certificates valid >>>> generate an id credential, reusing the regular private key ... >>>> attr check the regular id credential ... Issuer: CN=abcN Subject: CN=abcN >>>> verify check the regular id credential ... certificates valid >>>> expected failure case ... creddy: passphrase file does not exist!! >>>> expected failure case ... building CRED_PRIVATE_KEY - RSA failed, tried 5 builders creddy: couldn't create ID without private key