All software packages can be installed via distribution package. swig-1.3 Perl modules (via CPAN or distribution package) IO::Socket::SSL HTTP::Daemon::SSL RPC::XML Python modules m2crypto BUILDING ON UBUNTU The following is a complete list of packages required in order to build from git on Ubuntu (tested on version 10.04,11.04,12.04): autoconf-archive automake g++ git-core libio-socket-ssl-perl libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl librpc-xml-perl libtool python-dev swig libxmlsec1-dev BUILDING ON FREEBSD The following is a list of ports necessary to build from git on FreeBSD (tested on version 8.2, and 9.1): pkg-config xmlsec1 openjdk6 perl automake (might require newer perl/autoconf/etc) apache-ant swig BUILDING ON OS X (10.7) The xmlsec package can be obtained using MacPorts, and if installing into non-standard location(/usr/local, /usr), please configure with --with-xmlsec1=newlocation Similary, if prefer to install libabac's python code to a none default python location(for example, unpriviledge path), please configure or install with --pythondir='newlocation' BUILDING ON CENTO OS5 (i386) The following is a list of yummables necessary to build on Cento OS5 java-1.6.0-openjdk xmlsec1-devel xmlsec1-openssl-devel BUILDING ON CENTO OS6 (x86_64) The following is a list of yummables necessary to build on Cento OS6 java-1.6.0-openjdk libtool-ltdl libxslt libtool-ltdl-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel pkgconfig python-devel perl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed ant xmlsec1 xmlsec1-devel xmlsec1-openssl xmlsec1-openssl-devel If xmlsec1 related rpms are used from EPEL, please beware that there is a bug in bundled xmlsec1-config that is used to bring in required cflags for including the xmlsec1 libraries. This problem is side-stepped if libabac rpm is used. Otherwise, if building ABAC by source is desired, either xmlsec1 (1.2.16) needs to be build from source or an compiler flag needs to be set via environment CFLAGS. A perl install path should also be specified on Cento OS6 to hold the libabac's perl modules. A complete configure command would be like this, env CFLAGS="-DXMLSEC_NO_SIZE_T" ./configure --with-site-perl=/usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl