The four Ws of partial proof Libabac, by default, would attempt to extract a partial proof if the initial fact query can not be proven. If the initial fact query is found to be true, no partial proof will be attempted. A fact query, "Can Coyote buy red rockets from Acme ?", is equivalent to attribute fact, "Acme.buy_rocket(red) <-?- Coyote". When it is presented to YAP prolog db by libabac, it is translated into "isMember(pAcme,buy_rocket,red):-pCoyote" for asserting. If the fact query can not be proven, libabac iterates through a sequence of actions in an attempt to discover partial proof related to the initial fact query. We can break down the fact query into a general form, whom.what(whatwith) <-?- who where 'whom' is the issuer principal, 'who' is the principal, 'what' is the role attribute and 'whatwith' is the parameter of the attribute. In the example fact query, 'whom' is Acme, 'who' is Coyote,'what' is buy_rocket and red is assigned to 'whatwith'. In case such a fact can not be proven, one or more W terms are allowed to be uninstantiated and see what can be proven. Using the above example, the sequence libabac used to extract partial proof is as follows, case 1: acme.buy_rocket(red) <-?- coyote (Can Coyote buy red rockets from Acme?) If no, case 2: acme.What(Whatis) <-?- coyote (What with Whatis can Coyote buy from Acme?) If no, case 2': acme.What() <-?- coyote (What can Coyote buy from Acme?) If no, case 3: acme.buy_rockets(red) <-?- Who (Who can buy red rockets from Acme?) If no, case 4: Whom.buy_rockets(red) <-?- coyote (From Whom can Coyote buy red rockets from?) If no, case 5: Whom.What(Whatwith) <-?- coyote (What with Whatwith can coyote do from Whom?) 'whatwith' is in tandem with 'what', if there is no 'whatwith' term, then case 2' is skipped. Multiple partial proofs can be extracted using next_proof() api call just like for fact proofs. It is possible to force libabac to iterate through all the partial proof query cases listed above and collect all the possible partial proofs. It is likely that there will be duplication of proofs. No filtering will be done from libabac side since each individual partial proof query is considered to be independent from each other. Note, the return code of abac_context_query() is such that success is only returned if the fact query is true. Even when there is a returning partial proof, the return code will be false.