Note: this was converted from the man page. Do not edit this document directly.
creddy - ABAC X.509 identity and attribute certificate manager (for cool kids)
creddy [ --<mode> ] --help
creddy is an awesome and wonderful ABAC credential management tool. It
creates, verifies, and otherwise frobnicates X.509 identity and
attribute certificates. The output of the tool is suitable for use with
ABAC. Additionally, the self-signed X.509 identity certs (with
associated private keys) can be used with OpenSSL.
Generate an X.509 identity cert and private key pair. The certificate is saved in ${cn}_id.pem and the private key is saved in ${cn}_private.pem.
Note that private key generation is slow and uses a lot of entropy. You can generate entropy by moving your mouse a lot or running large find commands on your local file systems.
- --cn
common name used on certificate, provided as a convenience and ignored by ABAC
- --validity
optional certificate validity. This argument takes a time period followed by an optional suffix of s m h d y (defaults to d if omitted). The default is 1080 days.
- --out
optional output directory. Must exist before invoking the command.
verify the signature on a self-signed X.509 identity cert or an X.509 attribute cert
- --cert
self-signed X.509 identity cert
- --attrcert
optional X.509 attribute cert. If omitted the self-signature of the ID cert is checked
extract the subjectKeyIdentifier (SHA1 hash) from an X.509 identity cert
- --cert
X.509 identity cert
generate an X.509 attribute cert representing an ABAC credential
An attribute cert has one or more subjects. A single subject may be defined without a role. Otherwise, subjects are defined by a pair of a --subject-{cert,id} and --subject-role. Providing multiple subjects creates an intersection certificate.
- --issuer
X.509 identity cert issuing the credential
- --key
private key associated with issuer cert
- --role
role in issuer's local attribute space
- --subject-cert
X.509 identity cert representing the principal to which the role is being issued. This fulfills the same purpose as --subject-id and should only be used once per subject.
- --subject-id
public key identifier (SHA1 hash) of the principal to which the role is being issued. This fulfills the same purpose as --subject-cert and should only be used once per subject.
- --subject-role
optional role in subject's local attribute space. If the issuer is A, role is r1, subject is B, and subject-role is r2, the attribute issued will be A.r1 <- B.r2.
- --validity
optional certificate validity. This argument takes a time period followed by an optional suffix of s m h d y (defaults to d if omitted). The default is 365 days.
- --out
where to save DER-encoded attribute cert. In order to interoperate with the rest of ABAC, this name should end in _attr.der.
Extract the roles from an X.509 attribute cert
- --cert
X.509 attribute cert containing ABAC roles
Displays metadata from an X.509 identity or attribute cert
- --show=[issuer,..,all]
comma-separated list of:
issuer DN of issuer
subject DN of subject
validity validity period
roles attribute cert roles (fails silently on ID certs)
all all of the above
- --cert
X.509 identity or attribute cert
display ABAC/creddy version
- Generate ID cert and private key pairs:
creddy --generate --cn Alice
creddy --generate --cn Bob
- Issue the credential Alice.friend <- Bob
creddy --attribute \
--issuer Alice_ID.pem --key Alice_private.pem \
--role friend --subject-cert Bob_ID.pem \
--out Alice_friend__Bob_attr.der