Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of MeiStart

May 15, 2013 1:39:57 PM (12 years ago)



  • MeiStart

    v1 v2  
    11= Mei's Page =
     3= ABAC =
     7The ABAC project has designed and implemented tools for using Attribute-Based Access Control.
     9The latest ABAC RT0 version is '''ABAC 0.1.4'''. Jump down to [#Source Source] to download it.
     11If you are new to ABAC, you may find the [ introductory material] from our [ TIED project] helpful.  That material summarizes the power and semantics of ABAC and links to [ examples of ABAC policy] illustrated using an early example of [CrudgeDocs the Crudge ABAC policy browser].
     13== What's Included ==
     15 * libabac, a linkable C/C++ library
     16 * Perl, Python and Java bindings to libabac
     17 * creddy, a command line credential management tool
     18 * [CrudgeDocs crudge] a visual editor for ABAC policies and proofs
     19 * [ webstart link]
     20 * [CredPrinterDocs credential printer] an XMLRPC service to convert credentials to a text representation
     23== News ==
     24See the [source:/doc/ChangeLog@mei_rt0 ChangeLog] for details about each release
     25 * 2013-05-XX: ABAC 0.1.4 released
     26 * 2011-04-11: Crudge 1.0 released
     27 * 2011-03-30: ABAC 0.1.3 released
     28 * 2010-10-01: ABAC 0.1.2 released
     29 * ~~2010-09-17~~ 2010-09-20: ABAC 0.1.1 released
     30  * '''Update:''' We fixed a one-line bug in creddy. If you downloaded this over the weekend, please fetch it again.
     32== Source ==
     34Grab the latest tarball from ([ sig]/[GpgKey key])
     36Older versions available from
     38Browse the source using Trac's [/browser internal browser].
     40== Installation and Documentation ==
     42 * [source:/doc/dependencies@mei_rt0 Software dependencies]
     43 * [source:/doc/INSTALL@mei_rt0 Installation instructions]
     44 * [wiki:DocumentationRT0 Documentation]
     45 * [wiki:PerformanceDataRT0 Performance data]
     48 * [wiki:DocumentationOld Old Documentation]
     50== git / mailing list ==
     52Available via anonymous git: (RT0 with Java binding)
     54git clone git://
     57Latest available via anonymous git: (RT0)
     59git clone -b mei_rt0 git://
     62[ dev mailing list]: If you're using anything out of git, you should be on it. It's low-volume, I promise!
     64== Who ==
     66 * Ted Faber faber@ISI.EDU
     67 * Mei-Hui Su mei@ISI.EDU
     68 * John Wroclawski jtw@ISI.EDU
     69 * Steve Schwab schwab@ISI.EDU